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It’s a New Year!

It’s a New Year!

Hello, lovelies!

Aaagh!! 2017. Let’s make Lemonade! We’re all gonna die!*Newsflash* None of us get out of life alive. Spread the word. I’m being super sarcastic, but I am so tired of hearing about how the end is near. I’m kind of hoping this is the end of the world as we know it. We could use a turn for the better, in my opinion.

It has taken me 22 days into 2017 to sit down to write this newsletter. I’ve been in such resistance to writing it…  It occurred to me it’s because I couldn’t come up with the perfect words, perfect subject, perfect source of inspiration, perfect blah blah blah. I have a lot of ideas of needing to be perfect to be lovable and of value, and in this case, successful in business. It’s at once both amusing and incredibly sad because I know that perfection is unattainable. It’s not even the point of being here.

Perhaps I’m not the only one who isn’t fully engaged in creating a joyful life, isn’t striving for her dreams and goals wholeheartedly, isn’t even allowing herself to fully HAVE a dream, for fear of not being and doing perfect. Perhaps I’m not the only one getting out my bejeweled internal-hammer to beat myself up for mistakes, real or imagined, every day. Perhaps I’m not the only one reading books, attending seminars, webinars, and group calls to figure out what/where/when I’m doing and being ‘wrong’, so I can fix it and do and be ‘right’. Perhaps I’m not the only one who sometimes gets caught up in the perfection-equals-love-but-perfect-isn’t-possible-so-I’ll-never-be-lovable-because-I’m-not-perfect cycle. It’s fucking exhausting, isn’t it? (Yeah, I said it… And what?)

All that efforting was not in vain: I am not perfect, and I love me anyway. Let’s make that the efforts we make: To abandon perfection, be our true and best selves, and love ourselves and each other anyway.